It’s an overused trope, and many life coaches, entrepreneurs and just generally enviably successful people will tell you that there’s no need to wait for the year to change to start good habits, but we’re all familiar with the ‘mañana’ attitude that means our good intentions never quite get off the ground. With a year like the one we’ve just had, and the hopeful promise of life getting back to normal soon, we reckon there’s no time like the present to seize the last few months of being at home and with more time to focus on routine to develop some healthy, fresh habits. Here are our top 10 reasons as to why January is a great time for a fresh start:
1. It makes January easier
Dark mornings, cold starts….starting a health kick in the middle of winter has a lot of positives -it’ll make getting out of bed easier (but we still haven’t quite worked out the secret to springing out of bed on a cold January morning) and you’ll feel clearer headed for the day ahead.
2. Better health, better body
We’ve got everything crossed for some summer trips to sunny destinations, and with probiotics helping your gut operate in tip top condition, getting a body you’re ready to flaunt on the beach is that little bit easier. It’s not just the digestive system that probiotics can help with either - clearer skin, stronger hair and nails are other bonuses.
3. 21 days to make a habit
It’s said that it takes 21 days to make a habit (even if that habit is in fact breaking another one). Dry January-ers and Stop-toberists often attest how going sober gets much easier the further in to the month you get, so if eating (and drinking) a bit more clean is one of your resolutions, just push through till you hit the sweet spot.
4. Putting health at the forefront
Health has been at the forefront of all our minds recently, and if you’re anything like us, you’re being more mindful of your diet and nutrition to give your body a fighting chance to stave off any illnesses. The high levels of probiotics and antioxidants in our kombucha will help get you fighting fit.
5. Once you get into health, it’s a slippery slope
When you begin to realise what a healthful diet includes (and all the things it doesn’t!) it’s easy to go vigilante and eschew all food gremlins. We say there’s still space for a few treats, but making a few simple swaps (cola for kombucha, anyone?) means you can still have a feeling of indulgence.
6. When you start improving one part of your life, the rest will surely follow
We find that once we set good intentions with our diet, it’s hard not to find improvements in the rest of life too. Setting healthy boundaries, saying ‘no’ to that extra project at work that means we’ll miss out on precious family time - taking agency for our own wellbeing means more than just eating well, and the benefits are so worth it.
7. You’ll feel lighter and more motivated
Sugar heavy, processed diets can make us feel really sluggish, and of course, that just leads to getting home, slumping on the sofa and repeating the cycle. Breaking out of the habit of reaching for the easiest pre-packed snack means more energy after work, and therefore more motivation to whizz up nutritious treats (or even learn a new skill or language - but just not falling asleep in front of the TV every night is good enough for us).
8. A change is as good as a rest
It’s easy to feel like our lives have all got a little stagnant over the last year. We find this old saying totally rings true when it comes to feeling reinvigorated and excited about life - whether it’s a new workout routine, shaking up your usual meals or discovering somewhere new locally.
9. Homeworking treats without the sugar
With so many more of us working from home, the fridge is in dangerously easy reach. Switching out the junk for healthy options is the easiest way to resist temptation, but we find an afternoon kombucha is a top notch option for staving off the post-lunch slump - without the sugar or caffeine.
10. A world of opportunity
Now the world has woken up to how fragile our bodies and ecosystems can be, you’re no longer stuck with a coke for the designated driver, or lentil stew for the veggies. Health food shops are no longer the reserve of people who have done away with soap and prefer to weave their socks from hand spun nettles (ouch!). Even the big supermarkets have plenty of options for those of us making healthy choices.
So there you have it. Change can feel challenging, particularly in the gloomy winter months, but we reckon there’s no better time to give life a turbo shot of inspiration and invigoration. If you’d prefer to begin with baby steps, adding KTea to your life is a simple place to start and we can certainly help with that.